(+44) (0)1249 812707

Stainless Steel Insulators - Electrical Standoff Insulators

Total Connections supplies stainless steel insulators, sometimes known as stainless steel standoff insulators.

These insulators have a simple purpose. They create an insulated distance between the conductor and the surface to which it is attached. As the name implies, they are composed of an insulating material, generally made of a substance that has a high electrical resistance.


stainless steel insulators


Total Connections supplies the standard threaded spacer type of insulators, which are usually available in galvanised mild steel. However, we also supply a drum-type stainless steel insulator suitable for AC voltages of 2kV or DC voltages up to 2.8kV.

Although some insulators are composed of strong, extremely high resistance materials such as porcelain or fibreglass, our insulators are manufactured from polymer resin plastics (DMC – dough moulding compound). This material is less costly than ceramics and it tends to be more robust – ceramics can become brittle, whilst those made from fibreglass can wear over time.

The Total Connections stainless steel insulators are most often deployed in earth bars, where they are an essential component. Being manufactured in stainless steel, they provide greater chemical resistivity and are therefore ideal for humid or corrosive environments.

Very often, they are to be found in switchgear, where their design incorporates a clearance of 50mm as well as screw threads of 17mm depth and M10 stud size built into the red DMC body of the insulator. Whether you know them as stainless steel insulators or stainless steel standoff insulators, they are designed to be quality components that will last for years.

For more information about our stainless steel or galvanised mild steel insulators, visit our dedicated product page. You can visit the relevant page by clicking here. Or for more information, feel free to contact our sales team by email at sales@tc2009.co.uk or by phoning on 02149 812707. Call us today.
